But for now on to the food...
Breakfast: Kashi Cereal + Black Coffee + Bananas + Water (no picture because I woke up late and forgot ..yikes!)
Lunch: A veggie bagel sandwich with veggie cream cheese dressed up with my own sprouts and lettuce. (We were so busy painting this weekend we did not go grocery shopping and we are running out of food!!!!) + Water + blue organic chips and salsa ( I am without a doubt completely addicted to salsa and chips they are the one thing I cannot say no too...chocolate, cake, ice cream I can turn it all down ...salsa and chips ...no way ..sigh)
Post-run snack: Strawberry smoothie + Apple + Water
Dinner: Waffles + Banana + piece of Tempeh "Bacon" + Water ...yummm breakfast for dinner is the best!!
Ugh looking back on my day I realize I was a little lacking on my veggies ...ohhh dear...it stinks when we miss our grocery shopping day ...need to go soon!
Hope everyone had a fabulous Labor Day weekend !!!
Check out the WIAW link party here...

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