I don't know about you but I love flowers. Thankfully, the lady who owned our home before us grew a large flower garden so I have been enjoying the beauty the flower garden gives as all summer.
This picture was right after we moved into the house! |
And of course there's nothing more beautiful than a bouquet of fresh cut flowers.
Unfortunately, fresh cut flowers are not eco-friendly. The floral industry uses the most pesticides of all agricultural sectors. And many flowers available for purchase here in America come from other countries that don't have pesticide regulations. The Environmental Working Group tested roses in 1997 and found that they contained residues of many pesticides up to 1000 times the amounts of that in comparable foods. Furthermore, these pesticides can pollute our streams, rivers, and oceans.
Fortunately there are organic florists where you can purchase bouquets. Better yet, you can buy local! Many farmers markets have organically grown cut flowers. Check out
LocalHarvest.org for local flowers in your area. If you have a nice flower garden you could just cut a small bouquet from your garden.
The best option would to be reduce the amount of cut flowers we buy. Instead receive or give a potted plant. This way the flowers can be enjoyed for a long time and transplanted into a garden instead of being tossed out in a week!
Whats your favorite flower? Do you already buy flowers at the farmers market or your own garden?
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