We are currently in the process of organizing and rearranging all of our paper clutter. Coupons are one of our problems. We never had a spot to store our coupons. They would get thrown in a drawer and I would find them months later waaaay past their expiration date. So as I was hunting feverishly strolling through Target I found this little gem.
It has six little pockets and a notepad! I allotted each pocket a category; extra shopper’s cards, food coupons, retail coupons, dog coupons, gift cards and I have one pocket left for future use. It works great because we don’t accumulate a lot of coupons so it’s just the right size. I am using the notepad to make my shopping list every week this way I have to look through the coupons.
And the best part of all
It is a greenroom product. It is made with recycled content and soy based ink. I love this line of products from Target and wish I could order them online. Big Sigh.

Love it, I am buying one ASAP!
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