A new breakfast place opened around here this week and it made me seriously crave breakfast food. Unfortunately there is no where nearby I can get fabulous vegetarian breakfast food (I don't eat eggs). So veggie hash was a must for our meal plan this week, but before we get to the recipe here is a little What I Ate Wednesday for you...
Breakfast: (I have class at 9:30 ...I woke up at 9:30 ...whoops probably should spend less time blogging and more time sleeping) LARA bar + Banana + Water + Black Coffee
Lunch: Left over pumpkin risotto + carrot + banana and milk + water
Dinner: Water + Veggie Hash
Recipe for Veggie Hash
Olive OilSoy Sauce ( I use Bragg)
1 package vegetable tempeh
1 green pepper chopped
5 scallions chopped
white mushrooms chopped
5 red potatoes grated
First crumble up the tempeh and cook it with a little EVOO and Bragg. Then, I cook the potatoes by sauteing them in olive oil. (I wish I would have cooked the potatoes a little differently there were to many in the pot so they did not crisp up well). Set both aside and cook the green peppers, scallions, and mushrooms. Once the veggies are cooked add the tempeh and potatoes back to the pot. Season simply with salt, pepper, and cumin.
Top with cheese (of course). Although the potatoes were not as crispy as I would have liked it was still yummy and so simple to make!
What is your favorite breakfast for dinner meal? Anyone else a veggie hash lover?
I linked up with :
Peas & Crayons ,Clean and Scentsible, Blue Cricket Design , House of Hepworths, The 36th Avenue, http://tidymom.net/im-lovin-it-fridays/, http://www.fingerprintsonthefridge.com/, http://www.sugarbeecrafts.com/, http://www.tipjunkie.com/homemade-projects-1011/

MMMM Hash is sooo good. I definitely am going to have to try this out.
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